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Sign up here for the Prayer Vigil or for an opportunity to serve in the Kitchen or with Logistics for Walk #133.

Please continue to prayerfully consider a Pilgrim you would like to sponsor. If led to do so, review the Sponsorship information and complete and return the registration form as soon as possible. Please pray for the Pilgrims that have been confirmed for the Walk; it will be exciting to see how God works through each of these ladies throughout this weekend and beyond!

Confirmed Pilgrims for Women’s Walk #133
Pilgrim City Sponsor
Ashley Armour London Barbara Cooper
Martha Blythe Marysville Donna Franke
Kris Renkert Bellefontaine Ed & Sharon Markin
Susan Miller Marysville Leigh Wade; Melissa Vollrath
Jennifer Sherick Marysville Melanie Ziegler; Rachel Stinemetz
Theresa Thomas London Marilyn Hall
Christine Heider Ostrander Cathy Culp
Lee Cappucci Billerica, MA Melanie Ziegler; Julie Ziegler
Kaitlynn Haynes Mechanicsburg Sabrena Haynes
Diane Nickell Urbana Becca Mengel; Chris Harmison
Sharon Brackett London Michaele Budd
Lauren Schultz Marysville Melanie Ziegler; Judy Brandt
Alena Bankes Marysville Melissa King; Jamison Botkin
Joanne Rausch Marysville Denise Dunn; MaryAnn Conley
Lori McHattie Marysville Melanie Ziegler; Kelly Daum
Linda Dill Marysville Pastor Peggy Hoy
Kaylee Hayes Cable Stephanie Richmond; Kristin DeRoads
Angela Brooks Marysville Shelley Williams
Jenny Hignite West Mansfield Trisha Duncan
Kiesha Warner North Lewisburg Ann Rausch
Natalie Jackson London Twila Boyd
Heather Greenbaum Marysville Angie Reese; Jean Liddle
Heather Van Dyne Marysville Erin Leibold; Jennifer Baxley

Please also keep the Team in your prayers over the coming weeks as God prepares them to do His work during Walk #133.

Team for Women’s Walk #133
Spiritual Directors Talk
Rev. Donna Montgomery Means of Grace Spiritual Director
Rev. Peggy Hoy Obstacles to Grace Spiritual Director
Rev. Jessica Dolan Prevenient Grace Assistant Spiritual Director
Rev. Carolyn Christman Justifying Grace Assistant Spiritual Director
Rev. Kathy Reiff Sanctifying Grace Assistant Spiritual Director
Lay Director Talk
Melanie Ziegler Perseverance
Board Representative Talk
Tara Gilbert Priesthood of All Believers
Music Directors
Angie Greenwood
Jyl Secrest
Assistant Lay Directors Talk
Erin Leibold Priority
Teri Dunlap Christian Action
Chris Harmison Fourth Day
Table Leaders Talk
Donna Franke Life of Piety
Kristin DeRoads Body of Christ
Jamison Botkin Changing Our World
Emily Peterman Growth Through Study
Lori Poling Discipleship
Assistant Table Leaders
Angie Reese
Leigh Wade
Kristina Cox
Elisa Ufferman
Rose Gochnauer
Logs Lisa Nichols, Linda Rabley, Twila Boyd, Noreen Runyan



Women’s Walk #133 – February 20-23, 2025

Central Ohio Emmaus Gathering – March 11, 2025, 7:00pm; Cornerstone Global Methodist Church