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Making the Most of Your 4th Days

There are numerous ways to serve within your Emmaus community and support the Walks. Opportunities are listed below. Once you have been active in the community you may be asked to serve on an Emmaus Team! Please fill out our Willing Servant Survey so we can help you get connected!

Service Opportunities

  • Sponsor a Pilgrim – Share the Emmaus experience! Please read the Sponsorship Training Documents here.
  • Prayer Vigil – Each Walk is bathed in prayer by the community.  Sign up to be part of the prayer vigil at our monthly Gatherings.
  • Work in the Kitchen – The kitchen is staffed by volunteers like you each Walk weekend.  Select a time to serve on Friday, Saturday or Sunday
  • Logistics – The logistics team is staffed by volunteers and is responsible for set-up, tear-down, and assisting pilgrims at check-in for each Walk weekend. Select a time to serve on Thursday or Sunday Nights
  • Social Committee – The Social Committee is responsible for organizing certain activities of the community such as Gatherings.
  • Agape – Help shower our pilgrims and team with your grace and love through the gift of agape.